7 Things Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is upon us, and it's time to show the special mothers in your life just how much you love and appreciate them. As a mom of three, I can tell you this: chocolates are nice, flowers are a thoughtful gesture, and random bath and beauty products are ... umm ... okay, but these aren't the things we really want to feel special. So how can you hit a home run with the mom in your life this Mother's Day? Here are some excellent (if I do say so myself) ideas:

1. Gift card and outing to her favorite bookstore

Almost all of the moms I know are bookworms. Give her the joy of planning and embarking on her next literary adventure with a gift card to her favorite local bookstore. Want bonus points? Offer to stay with the kids so she can go shopping for books by herself, taking her sweet time perusing the shelves and inhaling the glorious smell of books. Whether she loves losing herself in a gripping mystery, experimenting with new recipes in a cookbook, or savoring the pages of a romance novel, a bookstore gift card is sure to be a win.

The Pilgrim's Way Book in Carmel CA

2. Delicious meal at her favorite restaurant

Sometimes all I want is a break from the kitchen and the dishes. I want to enjoy the glow of my family's warm company without having to worry about the mess that's waiting for me in the sink, being tired and grease-splattered from all the cooking, and getting up fifty times to get my kids more cheese, a green spoon instead of a red one, ranch dressing instead of ketchup. Choose a cozy spot where the mom in your life can enjoy a meal without lifting a finger. Let her savor every bite without worrying about the cleanup or meeting everyone else's needs.

breakfast plate with tea cup and tea pot flowers quiche salad

3. Family picnic

Everyone loves a picnic. The kids can play and explore. You can can relax (maybe) on a blanket breathing in the fresh air and taking in lovely scenery. It's peaceful, fun, and feels a little adventurous. However, there's a secret to executing this Mother's Day gift properly. If you do not follow my next piece of advice, the gift will be a failure. You must, and I repeat, YOU MUST, plan and prepare everything. Do not, under any circumstances, tell the mom in your life that you're taking her on a picnic for Mother's Day and then stand idly by as she prepares and packs the food, dresses and puts sunscreen on all the kids, and figures out which local parks have shade and picnic tables. You must do all of these things, preferably in advance. It's not a gift if she has to do all the work. Bonus points: Take some nice pictures of her when you've arrived at your picnic spot.

4. Gift card to her favorite coffee shop

Every mom I know runs on a favorite beverage. Mine is a half-caff coffee with hazelnut creamer. One of my friends has green tea every day; another lives for chai tea with oat milk. Whatever drink she prefers, I can guarantee she will love a gift card she can use on busy days to swing into her favorite coffee shop and grab a treat. Bonus points: take her to the coffee shop, buy her the drink of her choice, then take her to her favorite bookstore, buy her a book, then give her a gift card to the coffee shop so she can grab a pick-me-up another day.

5. Handmade card overflowing with gratitude

Handmade cards are a timeless way to show moms how much you love and appreciate them. The keys to nailing this gift are effort and specificity. Do not grab a plain piece of white printer paper and scribble, "I love you, Mom" in pencil and call it a day. MAKE. AN. EFFORT. If you're not crafty or don't know how to cut out a paper heart, at least use nice stationary and a pen. Also, be specific. List all the things you love about her, all the things you're thankful she does for you. "Mom, thank you for always giving me a hug when I get hurt and giving me a kiss to feel better," is way better than, "Thanks for being my mom." Let her know you notice all the little things she does for you, and that you're grateful. Your words and thoughtfulness will mean the world to her. 

6. A spotless home

This is *such* a good gift and - guess what? It won't cost you any money (just a lot of time lol). Give your mom the gift of a clean house without her having to lift a finger. Roll up your sleeves and tackle the chores yourself. Vacuum, dust, sweep, mop, organize, and then light her favorite scented candle when you're all done. Allow her to unwind and relax in a serene environment, knowing that everything is taken care of. It’s a simple yet meaningful gesture that shows your love and appreciation for all she does.

Old St. Angela Inn Pacific Grove CA

7. A day of pure relaxation

Lastly, give your mom the ultimate gift of relaxation by giving her a day off. Encourage her to indulge in her favorite hobbies, whether it’s reading a book, taking a long bath, or getting out of the house alone. Take on any responsibilities or tasks that may arise, allowing her to fully immerse herself in a day of self-care. The key here is to take on the household chores and responsibilities that day so that they're not all piled up and waiting for her on Monday morning. It's hard for us moms to relax when we know laundry is piling up in the hamper, dishes are piling up in the sink, and toys are piling up on the floor. Take care of it and you'll truly let her enjoy a day off.

grassy field blue sky trees tennis shoes

If you choose even one of these gift ideas for the mom in your life, I know your Mother's Day will be a success. Better yet, combine two or three of them to go above and beyond in showing her how much you love and appreciate her. She deserves it, right?




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